#91736 Rear Anti-roll Bar Instructions

Step 1 Insert the set screw a little into the collar.

Step 2 Slide the collar onto the anti-roll bar where shown, center it, and tighten the set screw.

Step 3 Put the anti-roll bar in place as shown (top photo). The collar fits in the niche and will keep the bar centered. Hold it in place with the three parts (next photo), mounting them where shown (arrows), installing screws first, then set screws.

The set screws need to be tightened just enough to hold the bar in place, but still allow for free movement of the bar.

Step 4 Add the set screws to the anti-roll bar pivots. Add the ball cups to the long set screws - note 90-degree orientation when assembled (see Step 5).

Step 5 Push the collars firmly into the ball cups as shown. Gap between ball cups is about 1mm.

Step 6 Pop the ball cup onto the ball on the suspension arm (arrow), left and right arms, so the pivot faces rear as shown.

Step 7 Slide the bar into the pivot so the bar end doesn't stick out the pivot's ball. Tighten the set screws.

The completed rear anti-roll assembly.

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