This app lists as many vehicle editions as we have been able to track, with the following considerations:
- A vehicle is included as an edition if it has a part number or a unique name. RTRs and their combo versions are counted as separate vehicles.
- Some later vehicles re-used an earlier part number from an entirely different, long-discontinued, vehicle.
- Some editions' records were lost and thus not on this list.
- Years indicate either a public announcement year or actual release to market, mostly the former.
- Most conversion kits are not included.
- Some models were re-released with the same name and number a few years later.
- Order of vehicles listed within a year are not the actual release order for that year. They may be listed in the same order as in a catalog, for instance, or grouped together for this list.
- Body names and pictures out of license permission are usually omitted.
- Some photos include parts not included in the box, such as tires and wheels, or electronics. This is not indicated in the text.
- Running changes are not included. A "running change" is a minor update to a vehicle (such as swapping parts to upgrade the vehicle) which was deemed too minor to merit a new name or part number. BUT the models are included if the name changed (like the addition of "Plus" to the name, with the number unchanged).
- "Variants" include versions such as body changes; LiPo combos and similar electrical changes; engine changes or swaps--all where the chassis remains substantially unchanged.
- Sneak Previews are not immediately included. They are included after their official launch.
- TO PRINT OUT THIS LIST, open all the "drawers" of each year that you want to print. Contents of closed accordions will not be printed.